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Can Venous Diseases Cause Leg Cramps?

In people with venous diseases, leg cramps, especially nighttime leg cramps, are one of the most common symptoms. Blood circulates poorly in unhealthy veins, enabling it to pool and become stagnant. While the specific mechanism that produces leg cramps remains unknown, cramping that is caused by malfunctioning veins is frequently relieved by addressing the underlying condition.

When Should I Seek Treatment For Leg Cramps?

If you suffer from frequent leg cramps, it’s vital to get them checked out to figure out what’s causing them. Exercise-induced cramps are more likely to be linked to a more severe ailment. It’s possible that you have arterial disease if your muscles cramp when you walk for a short period and then improve with rest. Muscle damage, thyroid problems, pregnancy, dehydration, and other factors can also produce leg cramps.

Diagnosing Leg Cramps

Long periods of standing at work have been linked to varicose veins and nighttime leg cramps, according to a new research. Keeping a diary of daily activities or changes in activities can also help to determine the cause. For instance, excessive exertion might indicate that it’s the muscles, while lengthy periods of standing or sitting may signal venous disease.

Our vascular imaging scanners at Complete Vein and Vascular assist us in detecting vascular origins of leg cramps. We have the ability to scan for venous insufficiency, blood clots in the leg veins, and other severe abnormalities in arterial circulation.

Treatment Options

Leg cramps can be cured by undergoing one of the many minimally invasive surgical treatments we offer. These procedures employ laser heat, radiofrequency radiation, and injections that collapse the vein. After the vein is collapsed, blood returns to the surrounding veins. The discomfort and swelling go away, and the affected vein disintegrates.

There are also a variety of measures you can take at home such as stretching, staying hydrated, and wearing adequate footcare that may help to alleviate your discomfort. These are especially useful if the cramp is sudden and you can’t obtain medical treatment right away.