Leave Behind Vein Pain


Using Radiofrequency Ablation To Treat Vein Disease

Radiofrequency Ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes radiofrequency energy to seal off damaged veins. Heat is used to burn tissue, causing scar tissue to develop. The scar tissue then acts to seal off the vein, redistributing your blood flow to healthier veins.

How Does It Work?

Radiofrequency energy is delivered through a catheter, placed into the vein through a tiny incision. Heat is created by delivering an electrical current via the catheter. We will ensure that the targeted vein is fixed firmly around the catheter, and the heat that is created will destroy and collapse the veins. Using local anesthesia, this procedure should take no longer than 30 minutes. Following the treatment, you’ll be required to wear compression stockings for up to a week and may be asked to avoid physical activities. However, walking is encouraged to improve circulation.

Benefits Of Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment

RFA addresses the root cause of vein disease, rather than only treating the symptoms. There are several reasons to think about it:

  • It’s a minimally invasive procedure that requires no hospitalization

  • It’s proven safe and effective

  • Quick recovery time

  • Compared to other treatment options, RFA has been shown to better reduce discomfort and lower the risk of procedure-related complications

Is RFA Treatment Right For Me?

RFA may not be the best solution in some circumstances, especially when veins are too thin, convoluted, or near the skin’s surface. Depending on your individual condition, we will create a customized treatment plan to optimize your health and help you to regain your regular routine.


Endovenous Laser Treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that targets Varicose veins with advanced laser technology. It works by injecting a small fiber into the affected veins through an extremely small opening in the skin. Using the exact amount of energy needed, the fiber produces a laser light that interacts with the targeted tissue and causes the vein to constrict and collapse. The blood is then re-routed to veins that are healthy, with the body ultimately absorbing the collapsed veins.

Benefits of EVLT

Endovenous Laser Treatment is a minimally invasive treatment option with an extremely effective success rate. No hospitalization is needed, and your recovery time post-procedure will leave you highly satisfied! This procedure will:

  • Provide pain relief for debilitating symptoms

  • Help you get back to your normal routine right away

  • Require no hospitalization

  • Leave no scarring or other blemishes

What Should I Expect?

Dr. Alexandr Zaitsev will first use a local anesthetic to numb the area. Next, he’ll use real-time ultrasonography to guide the insertion of a small laser fiber into the damaged veins. Following that, laser light is used to heat and seal the affected veins. Healthier veins will then take up the duty of circulating your blood flow.

You may need to come in for more than one EVLT treatment, depending on the amount and severity of the Varicose veins. However, the process is minimally invasive and should take no more than 30 minutes.

In most cases, your recovery from EVLT treatment will be painless. You’ll be advised to walk as much as possible in the first few days, as this will improve circulation, help to avoid blood clots, and minimize inflammation while recovering. You may experience a small amount of leg discomfort; however, it should only last a short period of time. Over-the-counter medication can typically provide relief for any discomfort following the procedure, but it’s recommended that you steer clear from aspirin-containing products. There may be bruising around the affected veins, but that should go away in just a few weeks.


Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive form of treatment for spider and varicose veins. The thin purple or red veins that you see in your legs may be just a cosmetic irritant to you, but those spider veins may also be causing some of the aching, burning, and cramping that you feel in your legs throughout the day.

Sclerotherapy treatments can provide you with younger-looking legs clear of unsightly veins while enhancing blood circulation. This form of vein therapy works by collapsing damaged veins with a specialized saline solution. The blood that pooled in the damaged vein then redirects itself through the surrounding veins.

About Sclerotherapy

During sclerotherapy, a specialized solution is injected directly into the problematic vein. Multiple veins can be treated with sclerotherapy during a single treatment session.

Sclerotherapy is often done for cosmetic purposes as the therapy will reduce or eliminate the appearance of spider and varicose veins. A single treatment session will last between 30 and 45 minutes.

Sclerotherapy can also reduce several of the symptoms associated with vein disease, including:

  • Night cramps in the legs

  • Burning

  • Aching

  • Swelling

Prior to sclerotherapy, Dr. Schoenhaus will conduct a full medical examination and assess your medical history. Several lifestyle remedies may also be recommended, such as wearing compression stockings.

Sclerotherapy is considered mostly pain-free. This form of vein treatment is capable of removing up to 80 percent of varicose and spider veins. Veins will disappear gradually following treatment sessions. Smaller veins may be eliminated within three to six weeks, while larger veins often require three to four months for a full recovery.